

Babylon Ltd.
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Izbor urednika: Babylon

Babylon is a very popular software program. Its publisher (also called Babylon) couldn’t create substantial enough incomes and almost got shut down, right up until it managed to strike a deal with Google which turned its revenue projections and models upside down, thus allowing Babylon to keep on going and offer in its free version various translation solutions which are more than enough for most of us.
If you read online content in foreign languages, you’ll get used to getting a word translated simply by clicking it in a flash, and won’t be able to comprehend how you got along reading online content before.

Rječnici i prijevodi

Babylon is the world’s most popular desktop translation software program with over 100 million users. It’s also one of the most popular websites as it supports over 100 million translation requests per day.
Babylon is a single click language learning, dictionaries software programs and texts translations leading global supplier. Babylon can translate entire web pages, complete documents and texts in over 33 languages, all with a single click.
Simply click on any word you’d like to have translated and Babylon will automatically identify the relevant paragraph and translate it. Babylon includes English grammar and spelling correction tools as well as currency, times and measures conversion tools. Simply click any text on your screen and the results will appear in a compact window and will provide suitable translation and relevant information or measures without interrupting your work.
Babylon is based on the most advanced translation technology and thus assists you in understanding texts written in languages you’re less familiar with. For an extra charge, Babylon provides results from the world’s leading publishers such as: Britannica, Oxford, Merriam Webster, Pons, Duden, Michaelis, Van-Dale and many others. Babylon’s single click based intuitive technology also provides users with Wikipedia results in over 25 languages including millions of articles. Babylon’s dictionaries and translation software program delivers results from a database spanning over 2, 500 resources in over 75 languages. Its comprehensive database includes 34 professional dictionaries developed by Babylon’s linguistics team in English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
Install Babylon if you need translations, languages learning solutions, English writing skills enhancement and more.

Astro kaže:

  • Podržava sedamdeset sedam jezika
  • Nudi prijevode cjelovitog teksta
  • Nema uputa za korisnike
Babylon Ltd.
Besplatna proba
0.67 MB
Zajamčena Sigurnost
Usporedba alternativnih programa:
Alternative programu Babylon - Usporedba softverskih programa:
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